Mounts are very useful as they help you get to places faster, which saves time and some even provide stats. It also makes you look cool that you can show off to your friends. In this guide, I will explain the ways you can obtain permanent mounts without spending crowns or real-life money!
How Can mounts be obtained?
How can mounts be obtained in wizard101?
Mounts can be obtained through:
1. The Purchase of Gold via the Crowns Shop
2. The Purchase of Arena Tickets via Khalkos Coppersmith
3. Boss Drops
4. Crafting
5. Fishing
Purchasing mounts with Gold
There are a total of 8 permanent mounts that can be purchased with gold via the crowns shop.
1-Bengal Tiger – 90,000
2-Proud Lion – 90,000
3-Royal Lioness – 85,000
4-Enchanted Broom – 50,000
5-Horned Sweeper – 70,000
6-Blue Dragon – 85,000
7-Chestnut Pony – 50,000
8-Black Stallion – 70,000

Purchasing with Arena Tickets
There are a total of 6 permanent mounts that can be purchased with arena tickets via Brandon Mistborn who is located just outside the Arena.
1-Fire Wyvern – 9,000
2-Blue Kirin – 9,000
3-Unicorn Charger – 9,000
4-Gorilla Juggernaut – 9,000
5-Unicorn Courser – 10,000
6-Gorilla Skirmisher – 10,000

Boss Drops
(Rank 14)
This is a Gold key boss located in Polaris and drops a total of 8 permanent mounts:
I highly recommend farming this boss as the drop rates are high and due to potentially dropping 8 mounts, the probability of you getting a mount is high.
1- Frost Fang Tiger

2-Himoolayan Yak

3-Luphilim Wings


5-Snow Ram

6-White Stag

7-Winter Treant

8-WinterGlide Skates

This is a Wooden Skeleton Key boss that is located in Krokotopia and drop a total of 7 permanent mounts:
3-Mander Palaquin
4-Moonlight Pony
5-Starlight Pony
6-StarShine Pony
7-Sunshine Pony


3-Mander Palaquin

4-Moonlight Pony

5-Starlight Pony

6-StarShine Pony

7-Sunshine Pony

This is a stone key boss located in Azteca and drop a total of 8 mounts:
2-Arcus Cloud
4-Feathered Raptor
5-Gold-Wrought Eagle
6-Jeweled Scarab
8-Tyrannosaurus Rex

2-Arcus Cloud


4-Feathered Raptor

5-Gold-Wrought Eagle

6-Jeweled Scarab


8-Tyrannosaurus Rex

This is a Gold Key Boss located in Empyrea and drops only one permanent mount, Aethyr Cloud.
This is a very rare mount.

This is a Stone Key Boss located in Zafaria and drops only 1 permanent mount, Pirate Rowboat.

This boss is located in the one-shot dungeon called “Zeus Exalted Challenge” and drops a total of 3 permanent mounts:
1-Fire Whirlwind
2-Life Whirlwind
3-Storm Whirlwind
(These can also be crafted)

This boss is located in the one shot dungeon called “Meowiarty Exalted Challenge” and drops a total of 2 permanent mounts:
1-Balance Whirlwind
2-Ice Whirlwind
(These can also be crafted)

This boss is located in the one shot dungeon called “Rattlebones Exalted Challenge” and drops a total of 2 permanent mounts:
1-Death Whirlwind
2-Life Whirlwind
(These can also be crafted)

This boss is located in the one shot dungeon called “Rattlebones Exalted Challenge” and drops a total of 3 permanent mounts:
1-Fire Whirlwind
2-Myth Whirlwind
3-Life Whirlwind
(These can also be crafted)

This is a boss located in Polaris that drops 1 permanent mount that gives a stat of 2% outgoing, it is called the Mommoth Mini.

This boss is in the dungeon called ‘Hollow Mountain’ which is located in Keembaalung village, Krokotopia. The boss is behind a Wooden Skeleton Key door. He drops a total of 3 Permanent Mounts:
1-Blue Kirin
2-Gold Kirin
3-Silver Kirin

Permanent Mounts can be crafted, there are 2 persons that sell these recipes:
1-Khalkos Coppersmith (located in garden of Hesperides just outside of Mount Olympus).
He has a total of 7 recipes for the Whirlwind mounts for each school.

This can be crafted by having the following reagents:
25-Wyldfire TC
5-Firecuda fishes
1-Ultra Helephant Ears
1-Mote of Transport
25-Perfect Ruby

This can be crafted by having the following reagents:
25-Balefrost TC
5-Icecuda fishes
1-Ultra Snow Apples
1-Mote of Transport
25-Perfect Sapphire

This can be crafted by having the following reagents:
25-Darkwind TC
5-Stormcuda fishes
1-Ultra Boom Shroom
1-Mote of Transport
25-Perfect Amethyst

This can be crafted by having the following reagents:
25-Sanctuary TC
5-Lifecuda fishes
1-Ultra Tiger Lily
1-Mote of Transport
25-Perfect Jade

This can be crafted by having the following reagents:
25-Doom and Gloom TC
5-Deathcuda fishes
1-Ultra King Parsley
1-Mote of Transport
25-Perfect Onyx

This can be crafted by having the following reagents:
25-Time of Legend TC
5-Mythcuda fishes
1-Ultra NInja Fig
1-Mote of Transport
25-Perfect Periodt

This can be crafted by having the following reagents:
25-Power Play TC
5-Balancecuda fishes
1-Ultra Trumpet Vine
1-Mote of Transport
25-Perfect Citrine

2-Rose Piper (located in telegraph box during the 5 B.O.X.E.S Event).
She has a total of 2 recipes for the Digmoore Pogo Stick and Ravenwood Pogo Stick mounts.

This can be crafted by having the following reagents:
10-Clockwork Spider TC
10-Brain Sturgeon Fishes
1-Sonic Spring
10-Silver Trumpet Vine
25-Scrap Iron
10-Leather Strap

This can be crafted by having the following reagents:
10-Snow Shield TC
10-Catfish Fishes
1-Sonic Spring
10-Trumpet Vine
25-Scrap Iron
10-Leather Strap

The $40 Bundles that gives a house contain fishing spots, and in these fishing spots, you can fish for the mount that the bundle usually gives.
For example, the Dino Bundle gives the Pyramid of the Lost Horizon House and the T-Rex mount (2 person mount).
If you go to that house and fish you can potentially get a chest that contains the Perm T-Rex mount.
I recommend using housing tours and going to someone’s house and fish for them. (The drop-rate is very rare though!)