
Krokotopia Quest Tree ( With Details! )

This Guide is made to help you while questing in Krokotopia, We made this Krokotopia quest tree to help track your progress in Krokotopia while questing. The quests have been organized into blocks, each symbolizing a different quest. Every few blocks indicate a quest line in a particular area, while all blocks constitute the main quest line in Krokotopia.

You’ll notice that almost everything can be clicked. Areas and locations can be clicked to assist you to navigate. Additionally clickable are NPCs and creatures. You can always return here if you missed a task or couldn’t find your primary goal. You may monitor your progress and see how many quests you still have to complete in Krokotopia overall or in each area. You can also check the creatures or bosses you anticipate facing while on a Quest.

Krokotopia Main Quest Line

Royal Hall

Krokotopia Quest Tree
#QuestSummaryDetailed Goal
1A Whole New WorldTalk + Explore + Talk Talk to Bartleby / Go to Spiral Chamber in Krokotopia / Talk to Sergeant Major Talbot
2Digging in the DirtTalk Talk to Professor Winthrop in the Altar of Kings
3Make Some RubbingsExplore + Talk Locate Glyphs in the Royal Hall / Talk to Professor Winthrop
4Fragments of a KeyDefeat & Collect + Talk Defeat Any Nirini and Collect the Key in Royal Hall / Talk to Professor Winthrop
5The Final RubbingBoss + Talk Defeat Biti Nirini and Collect Final Rubbing in Royal Hall / Talk to Professor Winthrop
6Speak to the AssistantTalk Talk to Assistant Danforth in the Chamber of Fire

Chamber of Fire

Krokotopia Quest Tree
7Find My ColleagueTalk + Talk Talk to Robert Lancaster / Talk to Assistant Danforth
8New DigsInteract + Talk Find Key Stone below the Pile of Dirt in Royal Hall / Talk to Assistant Danforth in the Chamber of Fire
9Quarter MasterBoss + Talk Defeat Nirini Quartermaster and Collect Key Piece / Talk to Assistant Danforth
10Back to the ArcheologistTalk Talk to Professor Winthrop at the Altar of Kings

Palace of Fire

Krokotopia Quest Tree
11Assault on the PalaceTalk Talk to Lieutenant Standish in the Palace of Fire
12Gather the Troopsx5 Talk Talk to Private Primwell / Talk to Private Archibald / Talk to Private Livingston / Talk to Private Farnsworth / Talk to Lieutenant Standish
13PaybackDefeatDefeat+ Talk Defeat 3 Flame Guardians / Defeat 3 Nirini Warriors / Talk to Lieutenant Standish
14Give ‘Em Another Roundx4 Boss + Talk Defeat Akori Nirini / Defeat Shai Nirini / Defeat Edo Nirini / Defeat Nebit Nirini / Talk to Lieutenant Standish
15Back to WinthropTalk Talk to Professor Winthrop in the Altar of Kings
16Into the Map RoomTalk Talk to Professor Winthrop in the Throne Room of Fire
17Serpent Staff ( Instance )TalkBoss + Talk Talk to Professor Winthrop / Defeat Prince Manu Nirini and Collect Serpent Staff / Talk to Professor Winthrop
18Eye of Krok ( Instance )TalkBoss + Talk Talk to Professor Winthrop / Defeat Krokenkahmen and Collect Eye of Krok / Talk to Professor Winthropi
19Use the Map Room ( Instance )Talk + interact Talk to Professor Winthrop / Use Map Room Platform
20Back to “Into the Map Room” QuestTalk Hand In: Professor Winthrop.
21Permission to EnterTalk Talk to Sergeant Major Talbot at The Oasis Read
22FangdangoExplore + Talk Go to the Order of the Fang on Krokosphinx Island in Balance School / Talk to Alhazred

Hall of Champions

Krokotopia Quest Tree
23Order at LastTalk Talk to Shalek the Wise in the Entrance Hall
24The Great GeneralTalk Talk to Rami in the Hall of Champions
25Minion MassacreDefeat+ Talk Defeat 4 Sokkwi Protectors / Talk to Rami
26Search for the SealBoss + Talk Defeat Nekhbet and Collect Seal of the Fang / Talk to Rami
27General AdmissionTalk Talk to General Khaba
28Coin of DestinyBoss + Talk Defeat Glacial Avengers and Collect 2 Ice Shards / Talk to General Khaba
29Lay of the Land Talk + Talk Talk to Rami / Talk to General Khaba
30Blades of IceDefeat & Collect + Talk Defeat Glacial Avengers and Collect 2 Ice Shards / Talk to General Khaba
31Armor HandleDefeat & Collect + Talk Defeat Ice Weavers in the Grand Arena and Collect 4 Carapaces / Talk to General Khaba in the Hall of Champions
32Get Some Blingcollect + Talk Collect 4 Gemstones / Talk to General Khaba
33Grip It!Defeat & Collect + Talk Defeat Hall Servants and Collect Leather Straps / Talk to General Khaba
34Forge KeyDefeat & Collect + Talk Defeat Sokkwi Crushers and Collect the Key / Talk to General Khaba
35Taking It to the TutsBoss + interact +TalkDefeat Odji Sokkwi in Odji’s Chamber / Use Frozen Forge / Talk to General Khaba
36Back Among the FoldTalk Talk to Shalek the Wise in the Entrance Hall

Grand Arena

Krokotopia Quest Tree
37Quest for the Warrior Talk Talk to Ako in the Grand Arena
38Mark of the GladiatorDefeat & Collect + Talk Defeat any Sokkwi in the Arena and Collect the Gladiator Mark / Talk to Ako
39Gladiator Games Talk Talk to the Arena Master
40Are You Experienced?Defeat+ Talk Defeat Sokkwi Rippers / Talk to the Arena Master
41Battle of the SunbirdBoss + Talk Defeat the Wild Sunbird behind the Bird Gate / Talk to the Arena Master
42Along Came a SpiderDefeat & Collect + Talk Defeat Ice Weavers and Collect 3 Spider Eyes / Talk to the Arena Master
43StonechinBoss + Talk Defeat Krag Stonechin behind the Sun Gate / Talk to the Arena Master
44Enter SandmanDefeat+ Talk Defeat 2 Sand Stalkers / Talk to the Arena Master
45MalletmaneBoss + Talk Defeat Bort Malletmane behind the Snake Gate / Talk to the Arena Master
46Krokotopian IdolDefeat+ Talk Defeat 2 Sokkwi Gougers / Talk to the Arena Master
47Who’s More Amazing?Boss + Talk Defeat Itennu Sokkwi / Talk to the Arena Master
48The Ultimate BattleBoss + Talk Defeat Khai Amahte the Great / Talk to Khai Amahte the Great

Entrance Hall

Krokotopia Quest Tree
49Return to ShalekTalk Talk to Shalek the Wise in the Entrance Hall
50Find the Fang Talk Talk to Shalek the Wise in The Vault of Ice
51Breaking the Vault ( Instance )x3 Boss + puzzleBoss + Talk Talk to Shalek the Wise / Defeat Keeper of the Fang and Collect the Golden Fang / Before you can access the Keeper’s Chamber, you must Defeat: Defender of the Fang / Guardian of the Fang / Protector of the Fang and solve the puzzle in each of their chambers. / Talk to Shalek the Wise
52Back to “Find the Fang” Quest Talk Talk to Shalek the Wise in the Entrance Hall
53RetributionTalk Talk to Shalek the Wise in the Emperor’s Retreat
54Guardians at the Gate ( Instance )Talk +x2 Boss + Talk + Explore + Talk Talk to Shalek the Wise / Defeat: Prince Suten Sokkwi & Prince Kebi Sokkwi / Talk to Shalek the Wise / Go to The Frozen Lake / Talk to Shalek the Wise
55New Allies ( Instance )Talk + interact + Talk Talk to Shalek the Wise / Free 3 Shackled Slaves / Talk to Shalek the Wise
56Overpower the Overseer ( Instance )TalkBoss + Talk Talk to Shalek the Wise / Defeat Overseer Paniwi / Talk to Shalek the Wise
57The Right Combination ( Instance ) TalkBoss Talk to Shalek the Wise / Defeat Sokkwi Keymaster
58Back to “Retribution” Quest Talk Talk to Shalek the Wise in the Entrance Hall
59Back to BalanceTalk + Talk Talk to Alhazred in Balance School / Talk to Sergeant Major Talbot at The Oasis

Tomb of Storms 

Krokotopia Quest Tree
60Tomb of Storms Talk + Explore + Talk Talk to Hetch AL’Dim / Go to Tomb of Storms / Talk to Ghost of Krokhotep
61De-Cipher the AhnicsBoss + Talk Defeat King Uro Ahnic and Collect Cipher Part 1 in the Ahnic Family Tomb / Talk to Ghost of Krokhotep in the Well of Spirits
62De-Cipher the DjeseritsBoss + Talk Defeat King Shemet Djeserit and Collect Cipher Part 2 in the Djeserit Family Tomb / Talk to Ghost of Krokhotep in the Well of Spirits
63The Key to the Temple x4 Boss + Talk Defeat Prince Mkhai Karanahn in the Karanahn Palace & Defeat Prince Meti Karanahn & Defeat Prince Ati Karanahn & Defeat Prince Aka Karanahn / and Collect Temple Key / Talk to the Ghost of Krokhotep in the Well of Spirits
64Temple DwellerExplore Defeat Krokopatra in the Temple of Storms / Talk to Ghost of Krokhotep
65Test of StrengthTalk + x3 Boss + Talk Talk to Temple Gatekeeper / Defeat Son of Storms & Tempestra & Soulsapper / Talk to Temple Gatekeeper
66Get SmartTalk + x3 puzzle+ Talk Talk to Temple Gatekeeper / Locate Test of Aptitude Puzzle / Pass Test of Aptitude Puzzle / Talk to Temple Gatekeeper
67Back to “Temple Dweller” Quest Talk Talk to Ghost of Krokhotep in Well of Spirits
68Triumphant ReturnTalk Talk to Sergeant Major Talbot in The Oasis
69Missing SoulsTalk Talk to Private Kinchley in Wolfminster Abbey

This was Krokotopia Quest Tree

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