
All Spellements Guide

Wizard101 Spellwrighting is one of the best updates that come to the game from a long time, Spellwrighting allows wizards to obtain new spells and upgrade them, also allows you to upgrade your current spells to a better version with a new type of reagents called Spellements.

Wizard101 spellements

Wizard101 Spellements

At present, there are only 21 Spellements available in the game, dropped by bosses, obtained from scrolls and events.

When you get a Spellement you will get access to the Spellements page to see each spell and its tree of upgrades that consists of 4 or 5 tiers and each tier requires more Spellements than the one before.

The drop rate? you can 1 or 2 and up to 5 ( highest I got ) from one battle, if you got the drop I mean, the jackpot which is very rare is 30 Spellements I only got it 2 times.

We will show you each Spellement, its tiers and where is it dropped from.

5 Ways To Get Free Spellements

Daybreaker Spellements

  • Delay 1 spell cast to the next round ( First cast ) and adds 4 pips to the spell, for example, if you used it on pixie spell ( 2 pips ) now it will cost 6 pips and you can cast 2 spells in the same round.
  • The first unlock requires 35 Daybreaker Spellements
  • Dropped by: King Detritus in Abandoned House, Prince Viggor in Viggor’s Tomb, and many other bosses in Wizardcity undergrounds.
Wizard101 spellements
Daybreaker Spellement

Nightbringer Spellements

  • Delay 1 spell cast to the next round ( Second cast ) and adds 4 pips to the spell.
  • The first unlock requires 35 Nightbringer Spellements
  • Dropped by: King Detritus in Abandoned House, Prince Viggor in Viggor’s Tomb, and many other bosses in Wizardcity undergrounds
Wizard101 spellements
Nightbringer Spellement

Fire cat Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading fire cat spell, the first path is constant damage, the second path is about getting the same spell but with higher maximum & minimum damage
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Fire cat Spellements
  • Dropped by: Fellspawn ( golden key boss in catacombs ), Lambent Fire ( Crystal Caves Stone Key Room ), and Fire Deckathalon Tower battles (event).
Wizard101 spellements
Fire cat Spellement

Fire elf Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading fire elf spell, the first path is to higher the initial damage and lowers the dot damage, the second path is to lower the initial damage and higher the dot damage
  • The first upgrade requires 75 fire elf Spellements
  • Dropped by: Fellspawn ( golden key boss in catacombs ), Lambent Fire ( Crystal Caves Stone Key Room ), and Ra ( wooden key boss in Krok )
Wizard101 spellements
Fire elf Spellement

Krampus Spellements

  • This Krampus Spellement can be used to unlock the spell if you don’t have it trained!
  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Krampus spell, the first path is to higher the damage, the second path is to higher the mantle.
  • The first unlock requires 75 Krampus Spellements
  • Dropped by: Loremaster in Dragonspyre
Wizard101 spellements
Krampus Spellement

Nautilus Unleashed Spellements

  • This Nautilus Unleashed Spellements is used to unlock the spell.
  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Nautilus Unleashed, the first path is to higher the spell damage, the second path is to transfer the spell into a dot spell.
  • The first unlock requires 35 Nautilus Unleashed Spellements
  • Dropped from: Celestian Spellemental Pack
  • This spell is still new and came out after wizard101 summer update
Wizard101 spellements
Nautilus Unleashed Spellement

Imp Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading IMP spell, the first path is constant damage, the second path is about getting the same spell but with higher maximum & minimum damage
  • The first upgrade requires 75 IMP Spellements
  • Dropped by: Spellemental road warrior, Life Deckathalon tower (Event).
Wizard101 spellements
Imp Spellement

Leprechaun Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Leprechaun spell, the first path is to higher the spell damage, the second path is to add a small healing amount to the spell.
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Leprechaun Spellements
  • Dropped by: Captain Hockins (Waterfront Stone Key Room), Mimic ( golden key boss in Aggrobah ), Summer Scroll of Fortune.
Wizard101 spellements
Leprechaun Spellement

Steal PiP Spellements

  • Dropped From: Deluxe Spellement pack
  • requires more steal pip spellements to upgrade the spell for more cards

Scrab Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading scrab spell, the first path is constant damage, the second path is about getting the same spell but with higher maximum & minimum damage
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Scrab Spellements
  • Dropped by: Balance Deckathalon Tower (Event).
  • Dropped From: Deluxe Spellement pack
Wizard101 spellements
Scrab Spellement

Scorpion Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Scorpion, the first path is to add a -20% mantle to the spell, the second path is to add a -15% weakness
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Scorpion Spellements
  • Dropped from: Zafaria Safari Pack
  • Dropped From: Deluxe Spellement pack
Wizard101 spellements
Scorpion Spellement

Spiritual Tribunal Spellements

  • This Spiritual Tribunal Spellements is used to unlock the spell.
  • There are 3 paths of upgrading Spiritual Tribunal spell each one highers one school damage over the other two.
  • The first unlock requires 35 Spiritual Tribunal Spellements
  • Dropped from: Celestian Spellemental Pack
Wizard101 spellements
Spiritual Tribunal Spellement

Frost beetle Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Frost beetle spell, the first path is constant damage, the second path is about getting the same spell but with higher maximum & minimum damage
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Frost beetle Spellements
  • Dropped by: Ice Deckathalon Tower (Event), Skyvern’s Hoard Pack, Summer Scroll of Fortune.
Wizard101 spellements
Frost beetle Spellement

Snow serpent Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Snow serpent, the first path is to higher the spell damage, the second path is to add a small absorb shield to self.
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Snow serpent Spellements
  • Dropped from: Doomsday Krok Hoard Pack
Wizard101 spellements
Snow serpent Spellement

Reindeer Knight Spellements

  • This Reindeer Knight Spellements can be used to unlock the spell if you don’t have it trained!
  • There are 2 paths of upgrading this spell, the first path is to higher the initial damage and lowers the dot damage, the second path is to lower the initial damage and higher the dot damage
  • The first unlock requires 35 Reindeer Knight Spellements
  • Dropped by: Loremaster in Dragonspyre, yule logger pack
Wizard101 spellements
Reindeer Knight Spellement

Celestial Intervention Spellements

  • This Celestial Intervention Spellements is used to unlock the spell.
  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Celestial Intervention, the first path is to higher the heal per shield sacrificed with a maximum of 3 shields, the second path is the higher the heal per shield sacrificed (lower than the first) with a maximum of 6 shields.
  • The first unlock requires 35 Celestial Intervention Spellements
  • Dropped from: Celestian Spellemental Pack
  • Dropped From: Deluxe Spellement pack
Wizard101 spellements
Celestial Intervention Spellement

Dark sprite Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Dark sprite, the first path is constant damage, the second path is about getting the same spell but with higher maximum & minimum damage
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Dark sprite Spellements
  • Dropped by: Fellspawn ( golden key boss in catacombs ), Lambent Fire ( Crystal Caves Stone Key Room ), and Zafaria safari pack.
Wizard101 spellements
Dark sprite Spellement

Ghoul Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Ghoul, the first path is to higher the spell damage, the second path is higher the amount of damage swapped to heal.
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Ghoul Spellements
  • Dropped from: Road Warrior’s Hoard Pack
Wizard101 spellements
Ghoul Spellement

Ship of Fools Spellements

  • This Ship of Fools Spellements is used to unlock the spell.
  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Ship of Fools, the first path is to higher the spell heal and swap damage, the second path is to transfer the spell into a full damage spell with stronger damage.
  • The first unlock requires 35 Ship of Fools Spellements
  • Dropped from: Celestian Spellemental Pack.
  • This spell is still new and came out after wizard101 summer update
Wizard101 spellements
Ship of Fools Spellement

Blood Bat Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Blood Bat, the first path is constant damage, the second path is about getting the same spell but with higher maximum & minimum damage
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Blood Bat Spellements
  • Dropped by: Fellspawn ( golden key boss in catacombs ), Lambent Fire ( Crystal Caves Stone Key Room ), and Doomsday Krok pack.
Wizard101 spellements
Blood Bat Spellement

Troll Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Troll, the first path is about getting the same spell but with higher maximum & minimum damage. the second path which is a gamer changer in PVP is about summoning a minion after hitting with the spell.
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Troll Spellements
  • Dropped by: The new Islander’s Hoard Pack
wizard101 spellements
Troll Spellements

Thunder Snake Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Thunder Snake, the first path is constant damage, the second path is about getting the same spell but with higher maximum & minimum damage
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Thunder Snake Spellements
  • Dropped by: Storm Deckathalon Tower (Event)
Wizard101 spellements
Thunder Snake Spellement

Lightning Bats Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Lightning Bats, the first path is to higher the spell damage, the second path is to add +25% accuracy charm.
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Lightning Bats Spellements.
  • Dropped from: Pharaoh’s Hoard Pack, Scroll of Fortune Events
Wizard101 spellements
Lightning Bats Spellement

Karamelle Spellements

Sound of musicology Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Sound of musicology, the first path is to higher the spell damage with higher pips, the second path is to lower the spell’s damage and lower the pips too
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Sound of musicology Spellements.
  • Dropped from: Karamelle Quests
sound of musicology spellements
sound of musicology spellements

Mockenspiel Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Mockenspiel, the first path is to higher the spell damage with higher pips, the second path is to lower the spell’s damage and lower the pips too
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Mockenspiel Spellements.
  • Dropped from: Karamelle Quests
Mockenspiel spellements
Mockenspiel spellements

Tatzlewurm Terror Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Tatzlewurm Terror, the first path is to higher the spell damage with higher pips, the second path is to lower the spell’s damage and lower the pips too
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Tatzlewurm Terror Spellements.
  • Dropped from: Karamelle Quests
Tatzlewurm Terror spellemets
Tatzlewurm Terror

Snack Attack Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Snack Attack, the first path is to higher the spell damage with higher pips, the second path is to lower the spell’s damage and lower the pips too
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Snack Attack Spellements.
  • Dropped from: Karamelle Quests
Snack Attack spellements
Snack Attack spellements

S’More Machine Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading S’More Machine, the first path is to higher the spell damage with higher pips, the second path is to lower the spell’s damage and lower the pips too
  • The first upgrade requires 75 S’More Machine Spellements.
  • Dropped from: Karamelle Quests
S’More Machine spellements
S’More Machine

Shatterhorn Spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Shatterhorn, the first path is to higher the spell damage with higher pips, the second path is to lower the spell’s damage and lower the pips too
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Shatterhorn Spellements.
  • Dropped from: Karamelle Quests
Shatterhorn spellements
Shatterhorn spellements

Grrnadier spellements

  • There are 2 paths of upgrading Grrnadier, the first path is to higher the spell damage with higher pips, the second path is to lower the spell’s damage and lower the pips too
  • The first upgrade requires 75 Grrnadier Spellements.
  • Dropped from: Karamelle Quests
Grrnadier spellements
Grrnadier spellements

This was Wizard101 Spellements guide by Mr. Wizard

5 Ways To Get Free Spellements

Drop us a comment on what you think? or if you have any questions




  1. I know any 1 pip or 2 pip spell on the spellement list, can NOT be made into a tc version by using a tc sun enchant.
    Since I have not gotten around to making any spellements except daybreaker, nightbringer,
    Can you sun enchant then in you hand, I.e. primordial or gargantuan + leprechaun(spellement)?.
    As they add new ones to the spellement list that will restrict making tc’s of them also.
    I like tc enchanting the originals, but at this time that is impossible.
    What happens if firedragon, meteor, etc, gets on that list. It forces you to keep them in your main deck.
    Not good for medulla fights. wish KI would make spellements a new class of spells, leave the originals alone,

      1. He does not drop the Krampus spell, at least that’s what shows on all 3 of his creature wiki pages. I’ve never heard of him dropping any sort of spell. He requires keys to fight which makes it more tedious if he does drop it. Better to farm Loremaster for the spellements/spell.

  2. Life seems to be screwed. You apparently can’t use spellements to learn Grrnadier early, and grrnadier is the only one of the three life spells in the list that is good for anything. Compare to Ice, which has 4 spells in the list, three of which are useful, and 2 of the useful ice spells can be learned early via spellements. I suppose I’ll be dragging out my ice wizard soon, I am tired of life getting screwed for so many things.

    1. Ratoskr’s Spin can be farmed from King Borr in Savarstadd Pass in Grizzleheim. I don’t know if anything drops the Pigsie spellements.

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