Trick or Treat Wizards! It’s Halloween contest time!!
- First prize ~ Wise Witchcrafter Bundle
- Second prize ~ 10k Crowns
- Third Prize ~ 5k Crowns

Please read and follow the contest rules carefully or your entry may be disqualified.
By entering, you, the Contestant, have affirmatively reviewed, accepted, and agreed to all of the Official Rules.
Contest Rules:
1. You may submit ONLY ONE screenshot of YOUR OWN Wizard101 Ravenwood Dorm with YOUR OWN character in the picture (no images from the internet, no computer-generated images and no photo edits please).
2. Your picture MUST contain at least one of each of the following four items: a broom, a spider web, a candle and a skull.
3. Your wizard MUST be facing the front.
4. You may use Photomancy and Castle Magic.
5. The contest closes at midnight on Sunday, October 31 USA Dallas time.
Pro-tip: Click CTRL G before you take your picture to remove the game interface
Snd your entry to [email protected]
Good luck to all entrants!