Wizard101 Word Search Puzzle [ CLOSED ]
- To enter, Circle a list of words you find, and attach an image of your completed solution
- Send your entry to [email protected]
- You can either print the puzzle on paper and scan it, or solve it above and circle your solutions.
- If you print it out by hand, be sure that your circles are clear with a marker.
- Anyone who submits a valid puzzle will be placed in a drawing to win one of the following prizes.
- Peppergrass Glen Bundle
- 5000 Crowns + Birthday Balloons Mount
- 2500 Crowns + Decaversity Hoard pack
- Decaversity Hoard packs
- This contest starts today Wednesday, 7 September, and ends on Sunday, 11 September
- Only ONE entry per person
- No late submissions will be accepted
Winner of the Contest! Announced!
I would like to participate.