Mega Snacks Guide

Every wizard knows that the best way to level up your pets is through feeding them snacks. But how do you get the best snacks in the spiral? In this guide, we’ll show you how to get mega snacks.
We’ll be going through everything mega snack related. This includes:
Brief Explanation on Mega Snacks
A pet snack’s rank is dependent on how much pet experience they provide to your pet. Mega snacks are any pet snacks with a rank of 8 or 9 (the highest ranked snacks in the game)!
Rank 8 snacks give a range of +25 to +30 pet exp each snack. Commonly found rank 8 snacks include:
- Flowering Pineapple (+30 exp)
- Pixie Stix (+30 exp)
- Yellow Corn (+30 exp)
- Crab Apples (+25 exp)
- Cubby Broccoli (+25 exp)
- Dragonhorned Melon (25 exp)
- Sun Fruit (+25 exp)
Rank 9 snacks give a range of +40 to +50 pet exp each snack. Commonly found rank 9 snacks include:
- Fancy Yogurt (+50 exp)
- Hambrosia (+50 exp)
- Captain Canteloupe (+45 exp)
- Mystic Dragon Fruit (+45 exp)
- Golden Wheat Bread (+40 exp)
- Cherry Tomatoes (+40 exp)
Best ways to Mega Snacks
There are 4 main methods to obtain mega snacks:
- Crown shop packs
- Gardening
- Dungeons
- Crafting
Crown Shop Packs

Let’s start off with the worst method of obtaining mega snacks BY FAR – Mega Snack Packs. These packs will give you 7 random mega snacks (usually 1-3 rank 9 snacks and 4-6 rank 8 snacks). For 2500 crowns each pack, this is definitely the most expensive method to acquire snack packs and is not recommended unless you’re really in need of these mega snacks.

The other way to get mega snacks in the crown shop is through opening the 399 crowns packs. Most of these hoard packs contain the possibility of dropping a mega snack. For example, you can get the Chocolate Crickets snack (Rank 8, 25 exp) in any of the Holiday themed packs. You can also get fortified cheese (Rank 4) from the Grizzleheim Lore Pack and use that reagent to craft the Fortified Grilled Cheese snack (Rank 9, 40 exp). Overall, this method is also not viable unless you’re trying to obtain other items from these hoard packs as well.
Gardening is one of the most efficient and easiest way to obtain mega snacks long-term. Most high gardening rank plants will have a chance at dropping mega snacks (i.e. the ultra plants), however, we’ll only be talking about the most efficient plants for mega snack drops: Couch Potatoes and Evil Magma Peas.

Rank Needed to Garden: Rank 3
Mega Snack Drops: 1 Captain Canteloupe, 1 Fancy Yogurt, or 1 Golden Wheat Bread at Elder
Time to elder: 258 hours
Although the time to elder of couch potatoes is 258 hours (roughly 11 days), there are ways you can speed through this planting process. By placing your couch potatoes in or near growth modifiers, you can reduce the time to elder from 258 hours (~10.75 days) to 103 hours (~4.29 days)! Below is a list of all growth speed modifiers that can speed up the process:
10% Modifiers | 15% Modifiers | 20% Modifiers | 25% Modifiers |
King Parsley OR Ultra King Parsley | Red Barn Farm OR Botanical Gardens (Evergreen Bundle) OR Everafter Village (Fantastic Fairytale Bundle) | Pixie (Naturally attracted by couch potatoes or you can use the Summon Pixie Spell) | Tropical Garden Gnome (Purchase from Farley in Golem Court) |
Litter (Found in Bazaar) | Sandwich Station (Found in Bazaar) |

Rank Needed to Garden: Rank 4
Drops: 1 Captain Canteloupe, 1 Cherry Tomato, 1 Fancy Yogurt, 1 Golden Wheat Bread, or 1 Mystic Dragon Fruit
Time to elder: 287 hours
Although the time to elder of Evil Magma Peas is 287 hours (roughly 12 days), there are ways you can speed through this planting process. By placing your Evil Magma Peas in or near growth modifiers, you can reduce the time to elder from 287 hours (~11.96 days) to 92 hours (~3.85 days)! Below is a list of all growth speed modifiers that can speed up the process:
15% Modifiers | 20% Modifiers | 25% Modifiers |
Red Barn Farm OR Botanical Gardens (Evergreen Bundle) | Pixie (Naturally attracted by couch potatoes or you can use the Summon Pixie Spell) | Tropical Garden Gnome (Purchase from Farley in Golem Court) |
Egg Basket (Found in Bazaar) | Djembe Drum (Purchase from Otto – Celestia Base Camp) | |
Boom Shroom (Found in Bazaar) OR Ultra Boom Shroom |
Where to get Couch Potatoes and Evil Magma Peas
Crowns Shop (1500 crowns per CP seed or 1250 crowns per EMP seed) – Most expensive method but one of the only methods if you don’t have time to farm.
Troubled Warriors (Grizzleheim, Savarstaad Pass)
Troubled Warriors are great to farm for low level players but the drop rates are lower than the mobs in Mirage (~2 drops every 100 fights). ONLY DROPS COUCH POTATOES.
Death Ghultures (Mirage, Caravan)
I found this one to have the highest drop rate (~5 drops every 100 fights).
Monkey Spiders (Empyrea, Ariel Jungle)

Definitely a lower drop rate compared to Death Ghultures (~3 every 100 fights) but they also drop great jewels too.
Bumbai Rebel Warrior (Mirage, Yakhal Mountain)
Drops rare Treasure Cards (Fiery Giant, Steel Giant) too.
Planting Efficiently
To get the best bang for your buck and save the most energy while gardening, check out the 69 single layer plot guide here.
Mega snacks farming
Dungeons are also a great way to obtain mega snacks – especially if you’re still going through quests. In this section, we’ll go through the dungeons with the best mega snack drops in the game.
Housing Item Dungeons
If you don’t have a membership, farming mega snacks through housing dungeons might be the option for you.

Commonly dropped mega snacks:
- Sunflower Hearts (+25 exp)
- Fruit & Nut Bar (+25 exp)
- Frosty Sugar Cubes (+25 exp)
- Bad Honeyed Dates (+25 exp)
- Frozen Snails (+25 exp)
The dungeon that drops the highest mega snack rate is Winterbane Hall from the Winterbane Gauntlet. This is because bosse from 4 out of the 6 levels in Winterbane Hall have a chance of dropping a mega snack – quadrupling your chances at a mega snack drop each run.
Waterworks (Wizard City)
1-2 mega snacks per run (ranging from Rank 8 to Rank 9 snacks). Luska Charmbeak and Sylster Glowstorm both have a chance of dropping one mega snack each.
Mirror Lake (Zafaria)
At least 2 Pixie Stix (+30 exp each) guaranteed per dungeon run. Also drops school insignia gear!
Crafting is by far one of the less known ways of obtaining mega snacks. There are 9 vendors across the spiral that sell mega snack recipes, however, we’ll only be talking about the easiest mega snacks to craft.
Mega Snack | Recipe Vendor | Ingredients | Extra Notes |
Fortified Grilled Cheese (Rank 9)![]() | Obtain from a reward for reaching 320 points during Pet Promenade | 2 Fortified Bread 1 Fortified Cheese | Fortified bread can be obtained in the bazaar or from Ramin, (snack vendor in rubal wastes, Mirage). NOTE: Wizards must complete the rubal waste quest line in order for Ramin to appear Fortified Cheese is obtained through the bazaar or through the grizzleheim lore pack. |
Doctor Purreau’s mega snacks (Rank 8) Baby Carrots Chocolate Moousse Crab Apples Draconi Onions Dragonhorned Melon Fresh Asparagus Spears Killer Kumquat | Doctor Purreau (Wizard City Hatchery) | 1 one-pip treasure card 1 Glass Vial 10 Hatching Peppers | If you have a pet in the kiosk earning you hatching peppers or love lending hatches to friends, this is a great way to get rank 8 mega snacks |
The biggest downside to crafting mega snacks are that most mega snack recipes (not mentioned above) require rare fish which might mean hours of fishing to create your mega snacks.
The most efficient method to obtain mega snacks
Out of all of the different methods to obtain mega snacks, I find that the most efficient method to obtain mega snacks is through gardening couch potatoes because of its low maintenance and energy use. Most of my wizards have a 69 garden plot and all I need to do to get my mega snacks is either log on every four days to harvest my elder couch potatoes or tend to my plants every time I log on. This means I’m able to harvest 69 mega snacks on each wizard every 4 days (that’s the equivalent of 9 to 10 mega snack packs or 25,000 crowns)!

For more information on efficient gardening for mega snacks, check out the guides below: