We love power fantasies, and the best way to do that is by getting really good gear. Currently, the best helm, boots, and ring for attacking are of the Dragoon set, obtained in the Catacombs. But what’s the Soldier’s Set? If they all have really similar stats, what’s the benefit of choosing one over the other?
This will have a lot of info, so if you’re looking for something specific, definitely use the Table of Contents to skip to what you want.
- How to Get Vanguard gear
- How to get Dragoon gear
- Farming Extract and Crystals (King Detritus)
- Farming Salts (Prince Viggor)
- dragoon and vanguard Fire Gear Stats
- dragoon and vanguard Ice Gear Stats
- dragoon and vanguard Storm Gear Stats
- dragoon and vanguard Myth Gear Stats
- dragoon and vanguard Life Gear Stats
- dragoon and vanguard Death Gear Stats
- dragoon and vanguard Balance Gear Stats
What Set Should I Even Use?
First off, to max your character out, it’s best not to get every piece in the set, as they have different purposes. The helm, boots, and ring are really good for offense, the robe and athame is good for defensive, the wand can be good for Fire or Storm depending on the rest of the gear, and the amulet is good if you’re Life / Death and don’t have Ratatoskr’s Spin / Ship of Fools. Keep that in mind throughout the guide.
If you’re trying to max out your stats, go for Dragoon.
For hitting sets, this is the best you’ll get. For defense, this is the best you can get without paying for packs or bundles. It’s harder to get and is only obtainable through crafting.
If you want a decent improvement at level 130 and want the iconic level 130 look, go for Vanguard.
Dragoon is great, we love Dragoon, but it’s just not for everyone. If you’re short on time and Wizard101 is just something to do to relax, you probably don’t want to farm for 8+ hours per Dragoon piece. It can be done without suffering, but farming just might not be your thing. The stats between the two are pretty much the same, the only substantial difference is not having an extra Potent Trap from the Dragoon boots.
If you are cut short in Vanguard/Dragoon farming, use Soldier. (If you have it.)
It’s worse than Vanguard so it’s easier to get, right? Not really. Unfortunately, to strive for Soldier is basically as hard as striving for Vanguard, but you can’t craft it if you get unlucky. Use it if it’s the best you have, but go for Vanguard if you can.
(I won’t actually be listing the Soldier’s gear due to its limited use and difficult acquisition. Just know that the stats are incredibly close to Vanguard gear without any item cards.)
How to Get the Gear
Now that you know which gear to get, you have to actually get the stuff. It differs slightly between Vanguard and Dragoon, so I’ll cover them separately.
How to Get Vanguard gear
If you’re shooting for Vanguard, relying on gear drops isn’t very reliable, because Vanguard drops won’t match your school. I’d recommend farming for the reagents and just cherishing a successful drop if it happens to you. Farming reagents will be covered below.
How to get Dragoon gear
The easiest way to get the Dragoon gear is to use a Vanguard drop to craft instead of using more reagents. You might object that drops don’t necessarily drop gear for your school, but that’s okay, because you don’t need any particular school of Vanguard gear to craft a Dragoon piece of your school. You can craft Dragoon’s Fiery Helm using Vanguard’s Vibrant Helm.
This is really easy for getting the helm and boots, as the two most common farming spots for reagents, Abandoned Backyard and Viggor’s Tomb, drop the helm and boots respectively. That being said, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend farming for a Vanguard drop of the other gear, but it’s an option.
Farming Extract and Crystals (King Detritus)
…and Vanguard Helms.

The best place to farm this is Abandoned Backyard. Here’s how to quickly beat this dungeon.
The Team
Bring a strong hitter and three support. For the minion battles, bring 3-5 pip AOEs or buffs. For the boss battle, the hitter should bring two blades and a hit for third round, and the supports should bring unique feints and a bunch of other buffs.
The Minions
The minion battles are very easy. If everyone does an AOE or buffs someone else, you should be able to kill on first round easily.
The Boss
If you’re just in team up and want an easy and reliable strategy, do this:
- Only one person goes in the first round, preferably someone tanky. Make sure that they have a feint first round. Everyone else fills in before the second round, make sure the hitter is last.
- You can’t feint the boss for now, so just blade the hitter. If you want to be careful, you can feint the minion to make sure it dies at the end of round 3.
- Same as round 2.
- The minion should be dead, so you can feint up and hit this round.
If you want to beat the boss quickly, do this:
- Make sure that you have a 7 card deck so you can get what you need when you need it. The supports do unique feints, the hitter buffs themselves.
- The supports blade the hitter and the hitter hits.
King Detritus is very resistant to Fire, Life, and Myth. If your hitter is any of these schools, make sure they’re able to kill the second round. The switch from blade to prism might keep them from killing.
Farming Salts (Prince Viggor)

…and Vanguard Boots.
The best place to farm this is Viggor’s Tomb. Here’s how to quickly beat this dungeon.
The Team
Bring a strong hitter or two and maybe a healer / ice-imitator, the rest just support. For the minion battles, bring 3-5 pip AOEs or buffs. For the boss battle, the hitter should bring a bunch of unique buffs and a hit and the supports should bring a protected feint and unique buffs.
The Minions
The minion battles are very easy. If everyone does an AOE or buffs someone else, you should be able to kill on first round easily.
The Boss
Viggor is not super easy but is also pretty straight forward. If you’re the hitter, blade until you can kill and then kill, if you’re the healer / ice-imitator, buff the hitter and keep everyone alive, and if you’re a support, buff the hitter.
Prince Viggor is very resistant to Myth and Death. If your hitter is either of these schools, make sure to have an early prism. An early life or storm shield from Viggor might mess severely with a run.
dragoon and vanguard Fire Gear Stats
vanguard fire hat dragoon fire hat
vangaurd’s fiery armor dragoon’s fiery armor
dragoon and vanguard Ice Gear Stats
dragoon and vanguard Storm Gear Stats
dragoon and vanguard Myth Gear Stats
dragoon and vanguard Life Gear Stats
dragoon and vanguard Death Gear Stats
dragoon and vanguard Balance Gear Stats
See also:
Crafting Karamelle Gear Easily – A Step by Step Guide
The Ultimate Secrets Of DRAGOON GEAR Farming!
Wizard101 Folio’s Crafting Guides
There’s a comprehensive guide on Dragoon, Vanguard, and Soldier gear. If I’m missing something, please let me know. Hope this helps and thanks for your time!